Monday, October 21, 2013

Part Deux (Duh)

I never answered the message.  Rightly or wrongly, I felt that if one was going to lead with a kink, one should go to the kink part of the singles site, which does exist, for the very purpose of connecting those who wish to practice their kinks with those who wish to be practiced upon.  Or something.
A year later, I had started another profile on another, larger, dating site, under another name.  Lo and behold, the fourth message I received was from our foot friend, using basically the same phrasing, with a notable absence of foot.  Learning from experience, clearly, although his username still featured the word "foot," and was, in fact, the same name he was using on the other site.
I figured, what the hell.  Dude's persistent, messaging is free, give it a shot.
Wedges and clogs made a quick reappearance, and became a recurring theme, as did my hind end.  I pointed out that while I was ok with his kink, it was not mine, and I had made pretty clear in my profile that I also wanted to talk about things other than my feet and my ass.  He told me that of course there was more to him than that.  I told him that I was going out of town and would be in touch with him when I returned.  He told me to have fun, feeling it necessary to add, "and just so I am sure..... you are a bbw with a big ass correct?" *headdesk facepalm*  (The extra ellipses are all him ... it's hard to pay attention to punctuation with your head up an ass.)
Footnote: although I never answered him, and although his profile disappeared shortly after, he reappeared twice more, under slightly different names, the first time asking if I remembered him and the second offering to pay me money for photos of my "hippie feet."  Repressing the urge to give him a large piece of my mind (why waste something he obviously had no capacity to appreciate?) I showed great restraint in asking him simply, please, never to contact me again ... and reported him to the website for solicitation.  It's been three months, and so far he hasn't popped up again.


  1. I love the way you write. Just sayin. You are a total hoot! Thank you for making my day. See, he was good for something!

  2. That's what I keep telling myself. Material!

  3. I snorted at "footnote." Which is my way of agreeing with Lava. The contrast of where you are versus where the suitor's focus is reminds me of a song: "Head and shoulders, knees and toes . . ."

  4. I don't really like to talk about my head fetish ... ooh, that just doesn't sound right, does it? Let's change it to shoulders. Shoulder fetish ...
