My gas filter is clogged. It takes so long to fill the tank that yesterday, the pump computer shut down, so instead of printing my receipt when I replaced the nozzle, it read, "System initializing ... (imagine the ellipse growing and collapsing to indicate whatever progress is being made)" This may or may not be some kind of metaphor for my life. Alternatively, it may just be a clever title for a first blog post.
Anyway, this blog is hereby inaugurated to serve as a record of the vicissitudes of online dating, an exercise made up, thus far, of a long string of "WTF?! No, really, are you serious!?!" It would appear that they are.
First, I want to thank you for increasing my vocabulary. I had to look up vicissitudes and I am now just a speck more enlightened. (For those wondering: "a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.")
ReplyDeleteSecond, I so enjoy your tone in this post. I can see your bemused smirk and I can hear the deadpan, "It would appear they are." It all makes me smile, laugh, and absorb something deeper simultaneously, which seems to be a unique trait of yours.
So thirdly, thank you, as always, for your perspective.
I love the ellipse growing and collapsing! I love your writing. I love your perspective and your dry humor and your way of looking at your life. I can't wait to see more.